A quick and nice script to get all groups and their member users exported in PowerShell… you might need that for multiple reasons, and getting them quick is a nice thing…

Today I needed that for a customer who asked for it because he was cleaning his 1000 users active directory, and lucky me, the force of PowerShell can just do anything!


$groups = get-adgroup -filter *
foreach ($group in $groups)
    echo "Group: $group - Member list:"
    get-adgroupmember -identity "$group" | select Name, SamAccountName | ft -au

The above will just display the output on the screen, so in order to have it in a file, you can save the script to a file then pass it to Out-File with your desired file name…


Get-ADGroupsAndMembers.ps1 | Out-File c:\all_users_and_groups.csv

I have attached the script file (.ps1) into this post so you can quickly download it, have fun… … Read the rest “PS: Get all active directory groups with their member users”

This is just a quick guide to decommission an old Exchange server 2007, since now 2010 and 2013 and even Office365 are everywhere, 2007 is considered obsolete same as 2003 during the days of 2010…

I am not going to get in details about this, just I will summarize the guide by putting the steps and the link to information/how to do it… the whole process consists of the following steps:

Step 1: Remove old OAB: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/f26f4d92-4792-4d28-9617-ff9095d94596/exchange-server-2007-error?forum=exchangesvrsecuremessaginglegacy (follow the first part steps 1, 2, 3, 4 from the answer).

Step 2: Remove the folders replicas from the public folders database if it exists: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb201664%28v=exchg.80%29.aspx (follow the section “To delete user and system public folders)

Possible (almost sure) errors: Object is read only because it was created by a future version of Exchange: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/f26f4d92-4792-4d28-9617-ff9095d94596/exchange-server-2007-error?forum=exchangesvrsecuremessaginglegacy (follow the last part steps 1, 2, 3 from the Read the rest “Guide to decommissioning old Exchange 2007 server”

Hi all,

Sorry for going offline for too long, I was having some bad times (happens to all :-) )

I am going to talk today about a problem that I have passed long ago, but did not expect to encounter again, it is related to the exchange 2010 and active directory…

Now as you all know that Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and previous versions as well, are active directory-integrated, which mean that when ever we install the exchange system into the network, it will be having roots (this how I would like to call it anyway) in the active directory schema, which by itself (the schema) is the blueprints of the whole Windows network…

The above introduction, I had to write it to let you get close to the problem I am going to talk about; it is related to the removing of the exchange server, and more specific way… … Read the rest “Error when trying to prepare the organization for Exchange 2010 installation (otherWellKnownObjects attribute)”